SANANA, - Spanish Deputy Ambassador, Diego Santiago Rivero, will assist the Local Government of Sula Islands Regency in promoting Tanjung Waka Tourism nationwide.
Diego Santiago Rivero, speaking to the media, stated that promoting a tourist destination like Sula is a significant challenge and not easy. It is similar to his experience promoting destinations in Spain, eventually attracting 100 million tourists every year.
"We are one of the largest tourist-receiving countries in the world. I have seen what the current Regent of the Islands is doing regarding the Eco-Event. It is something big and important that must be maintained," he said on Saturday (4/11/2023).
"The Eco-Event held in Sula should not only be heard in Indonesia but should be promoted to the entire world," he added.
Therefore, Diego continued, he is determined to help the Local Government of Sula Islands Regency promote the Tanjung Waka destination until it can attract 100 million visitors per year, just like in his country.
"The Eco-Event in Sula is extraordinary. So, he tries his best to promote the tourist attraction located in Tanjung Waka, Fatkauyon Village, Sula Islands Regency," he concluded. (Noah)